No.1 Elastin Care ELASTIC LAB


Development of Composition for Promoting Elastin and Collagen Biosynthesis

  • Patented elastin-inducing composition
  • Composition for promoting elastin and collagen biosynthesis in connective tissues
    (Patented in KR, RU, JP, CN; applications pending in US, EU)


Core Component of Elastic Fibers: Elastin is a key structural protein that forms the core of elastic fibers, providing flexibility and resilience to tissues.

Second Most Abundant Protein: It is the second most abundant protein in the human body, following collagen, and plays a crucial role in the elasticity of various organs, including the skin, lungs, and arteries.

Limited Biosynthesis: Elastin biosynthesis significantly decreases after growth and development, meaning that once tissues mature, the body produces very little or no new elastin, which is why elasticity declines with age.

Journal of Voice, Vol. 26, No. 3, 2012

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**María Luisa Del Prado-Audelo, Néstor Mendoza-Muñoz, Lidia Escutia-Guadarrama4, David M. Giraldo-Gomez, Maykel González-Torres, Benjamín Florán, Hernán Cortes, Gerardo Leyva-Gómez(2020), ***Recent Advances in Elastin-Based Biomaterials. J Pharm Pharm Sci 23, 314 - 332, 2020
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